Before and after well needed solar panel cleaning in Tucson.
Cleaning Tips

Solar Panel Cleaning in Tucson

November 27, 2023

Why should someone invest in solar panel cleaning in Tucson AZ? How often should it be done?

Investing in solar panel cleaning in Tucson, AZ can have several benefits.

Here are some reasons why it might be a good idea:

  1. Increased Energy Production: Dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate on solar panels over time, reducing their efficiency. Regular cleaning ensures that the panels can capture maximum sunlight, leading to increased energy production.
  1. Maximized Return on Investment (ROI): Solar panels are a significant investment, and keeping them clean helps maximize the return on that investment by ensuring optimal performance. Clean panels generate more electricity, resulting in greater savings on energy bills or potential revenue from excess energy production.
  1. Extended Lifespan: Regular cleaning can help prevent long-term damage to solar panels. Dust and grime, if left unattended, may lead to corrosion or other issues that can shorten the lifespan of the panels. Keeping them clean can contribute to their longevity.
  1. Maintained Warranty: Some solar panel manufacturers require regular maintenance, including cleaning, to uphold the warranty. Adhering to these maintenance guidelines ensures that you can take full advantage of any warranty coverage.

As for how often solar panels should be cleaned in places like Arizona,

The frequency depends on various factors such as:

  1. Dust and Pollen Levels: Tucson is located in a desert region, and dust can accumulate quickly. If there are frequent winds, dust storms or high pollen levels, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.
  1. Rainfall: Rain can naturally clean solar panels to some extent. In areas with infrequent rainfall, you may need to clean the panels more often.
  1. Local Environment: Consider the surrounding environment, including nearby construction sites, agricultural activities, and vegetation. These factors can contribute to the accumulation of dirt and debris on the panels.

In general, it's recommended to inspect your solar panels regularly and clean them as needed. This may range from once every few months to once or twice a year, depending on the specific conditions and time of year. If you notice a significant decrease in energy production or visible dirt buildup, it's a good indicator that cleaning is necessary. Additionally, following the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines can provide specific recommendations for your solar panels.

Clean solar panels

The increased energy production from clean solar panels is primarily attributed to the improved efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) cells when they are free from dirt, dust, and other obstructions.

Here's a breakdown of how cleaner solar panels contribute to increased energy production:

  1. Maximized Sunlight Absorption: Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic cells. When these cells are exposed to sunlight, they generate an electrical current. However, any material on the surface of the panels, such as dust, dirt, or bird droppings, can reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the cells. Regular cleaning ensures that the panels can absorb the maximum amount of sunlight, optimizing energy production.
  1. Reduced Light Reflection and Absorption: Accumulated dirt on the surface of solar panels can reflect and absorb sunlight instead of allowing it to penetrate the cells. This reflection and absorption result in a lower efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity. Cleaning the panels removes these barriers, allowing more sunlight to be absorbed by the solar cells.
  1. Maintained Temperature Control: Clean solar panels are more effective at dissipating heat generated during the energy conversion process. Overheating can decrease the efficiency of PV cells. Regular cleaning helps maintain the panels at an optimal temperature, ensuring that they operate efficiently and produce more electricity.
  1. Prevention of Hot Spots: Hot spots can occur when certain areas of the solar panels are shaded or covered in dirt, causing uneven heating. This imbalance can lead to reduced efficiency and potential long-term damage to the panels. Cleaning prevents the formation of hot spots, promoting uniform energy production across the entire solar panel array.